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Europa-List: Heat exchanger

Subject: Europa-List: Heat exchanger
From: josok <>
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 10:16:04
is empty

Got some more pictures today, decided to make a new subject, because this is not
really about pre-heating a rotax, although it makes it a lot easier and more
reliable. So to recap: This heat-exchanger will be mounted instead of the oil
radiator. Not in the same physical place. An oil thermostat is also superfluous
because the oil temperature will be closely coupled to the coolant temperature.
Since the water will warm faster then the oil, this helps to keep the whole
engine at a nice temperature. There will be a water thermostat as well. The
dimensions show up in the attached photos, weight is 826 grams. Price quoted
to me is 359 Euros without tax. For info contact, Pertti 
I have no other commercial interest in this other then being a future customer.

While i write this,i feel already sorry for you PFA customers. I suppose that a
mod will be a long way away...


Jos Okhuijsen

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