Pumps in parallel increase volume, pumps in series increase pressure. This
per Eric Tucker the Rotax class instructor.
Presently have pumps in parallel per initial instructions. Need to evaluate
what it will take to change it out. Does anyone out there know a 4 ft tall
90 lb mechanic?
Steve Hagar
Mesa AZ
Spraying the last coat of primer on.
Steve Hagar
> [Original Message]
> From: josok <josok-e@ukolo.fi>
> Date: 2/21/2006 1:21:28 AM
> Subject: Europa-List: RE: 914 Fuel System
> Hi Dan,
> The difference is that in the tech talk, just as in the latest issue of
the XS 914 engine manual the pumps are operating in serial. This seems to
be a Rotax requirement. I intend to follow that requirement, although at
this time i can't figure out where the advantage is. Anybody with more
> Kind Regards,
> Jos Okhuijsen
> ----------------