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Re: Europa-List: Weight and balance - Europa XS too

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Weight and balance - Europa XS too
From: Fred Klein <>
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2006 21:12:36

Ron...I forward the following from Alex Bowman:

  In answer to the query about the aft C of G parameters of the Europa 
XS, when operating the craft at a gross over 1370 lbs: I fly C-GGHY 
within the C of G range recommended in the Pilots Handbook and do so up 
to a gross of 1500 lbs. but tend to stay approx. 1" away from the aft 
limit.  This tendency is not based on scientific calculations.  In my 
earlier life, as a military test pilot, I was aware that if you 
increase the wing loading of a given model, the C of G range shrinks. 
The dynamic & static longitudinal stability of the XS up to 1500 lbs. 
gross, is very acceptable across the airspeed range flown.
Cheers, Alex

On Saturday, April 1, 2006, at 09:46 AM, <> 
> Do folk flying at 1450lbs with short wings observe POH parameters of 
> aft
> CG, or 1 inch more forward?
> Those flying over 1450lbs?

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