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RE: Europa-List: Daylight readable PDA for GPS navigation

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Daylight readable PDA for GPS navigation
From: Dean Seitz <>
Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2006 22:07:17

Look at the Navaero Tpad 800.  I use it with the laptop in the rear baggage
and the Tpad mounted on the tunnel. It's a daylight readable touch screen
monitor. With direct sun on the screen it's a little light but still
readable in direct sun.

Dean Seitz

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of kenhill
Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2006 6:26 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Daylight readable PDA for GPS navigation

I'm trying to use Mountainscope software on a Dell Axim PDA.  It looks
georgous in the office but when I use  it in the a/c it almost unreadable.
Does anybody else have the same problem?

I have put an antiglare screen on but it is still unreadable. I have also
tried to reduce any white background with no improvement.  I even made a
little box around the screen with no improvement. 

Any suggestions regarding portable daylight readable GPS systems would be
greatly appreciated.  I am aware of the Motion tablets 

( big and expensive) and Garmen's products (single use). The UMPCs look
promising but they are not available yet and do not appear to be daylight


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