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Europa-List: Skin deformation around fuel inlet

Subject: Europa-List: Skin deformation around fuel inlet
From: Timothy.P.Ward <>
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 14:15:19

Hi all,
Has anyone had fuselage skin deforming below the fuel cap and in line with the
fuel 'cobra' inside plastic fuel inlet.
I heard it was to do with temperature differences and dark cover over this area
with strong sunlight. Anyway I have it and would be interested in others who
have and their remedy for it. My 'cobra' inlet does follow the line of the 
fuselage skin most of the way. Neville has given me good ways of fixing it
below however would be interested if anyone else experienced it.

Hi Tim,
Only ever seen this if a dark cover is left on the fuselage in strong sunlight,
if you can cut through the Bid straps that hold the ''cobra'' to the inside of
the fuselage, and make up a polythene and ''gaffer tape'' tank on the outside,
you can pour nearly boiling water into the ''tank'', and spring the fuselage
back out, with gentle force from the inside. Balsa works well for that. After
you have got the shape back, flox the balsa between the inner skin and the 
and get a couple of plies of Bid over the balsa, then put new straps over
the lot.
If all else fails it will be a case of filling and painting over the top.
I heard the other day, estimates to have a coffin made for Gene Pitney, were 3
weeks from Oak,  but only 24 hours from Balsa.

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