Congratulations on the first flight. Give the engine some time, as long
as "high" does not mean over spec. The temps will come down.
Jeff - Baby Blue
171 hours, mostly oily side down... :)
Craig Ellison wrote:
>Thanks all for input and ideas concerning mag drop problems. Regaped to =
>spark plugs to .028 and upon run-up today after the engine was well =
>warmed up, both A and B dropped only 200RPM with no hesitation. With =
>everything else in the green the first flight of KitA205/N205CN took =
>Lindsay at my home field Lenhardt's (7S9) near Portland Oregon. The =
>flight lasted .8hr and established power off stall speeds. Clean at =
>53KIAS and flaps/gear down at 42KIAS. All temps stayed in the green. =
>Fuel pressure was somewhat high (I'm open for ideas or suggestions on =
>why). Bob says the 914 is particularly smooth. More flights are set =
>for tomorrow and I'll post more numbers .
>craig ellison
>Silverton, OR