I said it before, figured will mention it again.
The majority of plastic sheeting (visqueen) that can be found in the
states has "Slip" on it.
Slip is some sort of starch/type/a/stuff to prevent sheeting from sticking
Unless someone can convince me otherwise that it is OK to introduce Baby
Powder with perhaps some other (?) to life critical layups, I will not use
sheeting with slip.
You can fairly easily tell, try sticking a piece of clear tape to
sheeting, if it doesn't stick, and leaves a residue, it is most likely
Slip coating varies, some have minimal, some a tremendous amount.
Above said, I have read that some Modelers mix resin and baby powder as a
final fill for glass models (some actual like the smell when sanding).
I do not know make up of Slip, it feels to me (I sewed up a 10' x 20'
enclosure to work in hangar (2 layers with bubblewrap between for walls
and clear PVC for front, back doors and ceiling)), and when the stuff gets
on machine and hands, it feels almost like there is wax or similar as
Simple low density polyethylene, ain't so simple to come by.
I found a source for a little under $7 plus shipping for a 9 x 12 piece 4
mil thick.
Ron Parigoris