Hi! Brian
IMHO increase the shimmy damper load to 12kg and take off with the stick
held back to get the nose "flying" as early as possible. On Landing keep
the stick back and so reduce the weight on the nose wheel even at slow
speeds it reduces the weight on the wheel which has to be good news for
My take off procedure is always to set up the line by differential
braking then simultaneously hit full right rudder as you hit full
throttle to keep the take off line. Only very rarely is the right rudder
relaxed during the entire take off run and I can never remember
requiring any left rudder in fact I take up the attitude that I have
only one leg.(this is with right hand tractor prop wash)
Bob Harrison G-PTAG Europa MKI/Jabiru 3300
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of Brian and
Pat Tarmar
Sent: 19 May 2006 09:38
Subject: Europa-List: Nosewheel Shimmy
The current high winds in the UK remind me of the problem which has =
occurred to me twice this year after a crosswind departure from home =
base (Old Sarum - a fairly bumpy grass airfield) with a subsequent =
landing on a hard runway without significant crosswind. Having =
taken-off with a 15-25 knot crosswind (from the right in both cases - =
the "best" side), severe nosewheel shimmy was encountered on landing, =
which continued until the aircraft was brought to rest. Not pleasant =
waiting for something to break, and unable to do anything about it. =
Fortunately no damage on either occasion. Has anyone else encountered =
this problem, and is there a remedy? The friction on the (so called) =
shimmy damper was checked as between 8-9 Kgs on both occasions. Ian =
Rickard has suggested that I reduce friction to around 5-6 Kgs in the =
hope that slipstream will straighten the nosewheel in flight from any =
inadvertant sidethrust imparted during rotation.
Brian Tarmar
G-OBJT 055 Classic Trigear, 912S/Warpdrive and XS front/mods
65 hours and still smiling when it ain't shimmying!