Can't say I agree with your assessment. The MP gage in the panel is ind
ependent of the airbox pressure/TCU. As part of the installation of a M
P (electronic not analog) you are required to calibrate the sensor. If
the sensor is off by any amount from the true MP that the engine is real
ly producing then you will be incorrect in you assumption of H.P. For e
xample if the pilot has not correctly calibrated the MP gage and it is r
eading 31" of MP, however, in reality the engine is producing 34" then t
hat would explain the excessive fuel flow for a given MP reading. Make
sense. Off course too rich of a mixture could also be the cause, howeve
r, with the Bing carbs this is unlikely. My fuel flows per indicated MP
are very close to the published figures in the Rotax manual. Just my t
wo cents.
Erich Trombley
N28ET Classic Mono 914
From: "Simon Smith" <>
Subject: RE: Europa-List: 914 fuel flows
Surely, if the MP gauge is suspect the Airbox sensor/TCU would also have
be in error by the same amount? I initially queried the figures because
assumed (and we all know how dangerous that can be!) that the Rotax book
fuel flows ought to be accurate.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Erich
Sent: 06 June 2006 18:07
Subject: [Norton AntiSpam] Europa-List: 914 fuel flows
Knowing your fuel system as I do, I concur the problem is not with the
flow sensor.
I would verify that your manifold pressure gage is properly calibrated.
This would explain the excessive fuel flow per inches of mercury.
I believe for each fuel flow you have listed the actual H.P. you are
producing is actually greater than that corresponding to the M.P.
Erich Trombley
N28ET Classic Mono 914
<P>Can't say I agree with your assessment. The MP gage in the pane
l is independent of the airbox pressure/TCU. As part of the instal
lation of a MP (electronic not analog) you are required to calibrate the
sensor. If the sensor is off by any amount from the true MP that
the engine is really producing then you will be incorrect in you assumpt
ion of H.P. For example if the pilot has not correctly calibrated
the MP gage and it is reading 31" of MP, however, in reality the engine
is producing 34" then that would explain the excessive fuel flow fo
r a given MP reading. Make sense. Off course too rich of a m
ixture could also be the cause, however, with the Bing carbs this is unl
ikely. My fuel flows per indicated MP are very close to the publis
hed figures in the Rotax manual. Just my two cents.</P>
<P>Erich Trombley<BR>N28ET Classic Mono 914</P>
9694143')" href="
&count=1149694132#"><FONT color=#0066cc></FON
T></A>><BR>Subject: RE: Europa-List: 914 fuel flows<BR><BR>Surely, if
the MP gauge is suspect the Airbox sensor/TCU would also have <BR>to<BR
>be in error by the same amount? I initially queried the figures b
ecause <BR>I<BR>assumed (and we all know how dangerous that can be!) tha
t the Rotax book<BR>fuel flows ought to be accurate.<BR><BR>Simon<BR><BR
>-----Original Message-----<BR>From: <A class=m1 onclick="top.checkN
49694143')" href="
l&count=1149694132#"><FONT color=#0066cc>owner-europa-list-serve</FONT></A><BR>[mailto:<A class=m1 onclick="top.check
149694143')" href="
ll&count=1149694132#"><FONT color=#0066cc>owner-europa-list-serv</FONT></A>] On Behalf Of Erich <BR>Trombley<BR>Sent: 06
June 2006 18:07<BR>Cc: <A class=m1 onclick="top.checkNewBrowser('26
?')" href="http://
<FONT color=#0066cc></FONT></A><BR>Subject: [N
orton AntiSpam] Europa-List: 914 fuel flows<BR><BR><BR>Ken,<BR><BR>Knowi
ng your fuel system as I do, I concur the problem is not with the <BR>fu
el<BR>flow sensor.<BR><BR>I would verify that your manifold pressure gag
e is properly calibrated.<BR>This would explain the excessive fuel flow
per inches of mercury.<BR><BR>I believe for each fuel flow you have list
ed the actual H.P. you are<BR>producing is actually greater than that co
rresponding to the M.P. <BR>listed. <BR><BR>Erich Trombley<BR>N28E
T Classic Mono 914<BR></P></html>
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