Thanks for the offer of assistance at FFF. Details of your move noted.
I want to have a talk with you regarding one of the projects I may take
on over the winter.
Terry Clark (G-IRON) is very unhappy with his high top. The visibility
forward is very poor due to a very distorted screen (E(2004) have
provided a replacement screen) but it has not been fitted.
The present idea, discussed with Andy (in his Europa days), is to lower
the cowl and top of firewall to the original height. Blend this in to
the hightop fuse top and add a new deeper screen. See attached drawing.
The composite work looks as if it will work out well but I know nothing
of the complications of getting a new screen made.
I think we might get away with an existing screen if the existing
curvature is continued to the edge of the blank and we can get at least
1.8 inches of additional material out of the blank. From what I
remember of my screen there was very nearly this much spare.
If we do need a new mould what exactly would be needed?
Ian Rickard #505 G-IANI XS Trigear
Europa Club Mods Rep (Trigear)
or direct
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Graham
Sent: 05 July 2006 18:25
--> <>
To all my friends,
not being very comfuser literate, will you forgive me notifying
everyone here
I have just moved house, my new address
15 the Green
Middleton by Wirksworth
Derbys. DE4 4LW
phone 01629 820187
I'm also changing ISP to BT so my email will change to :
I now have to build a new shed! (and half the new house) Won't be as
good as the last one though :-(