Good job, John. Now, if you and Jeff can get your 40s flown off, we can
have a real gaggle of Europa at the next flyin...
Jeff - Baby Blue
196 hours and time for it's first annual... wrote:
> Greetings all,
> Just wanted to let everyone know that N245E broke the surly bonds of
> duration was 1:06 and the flight was uneventful. I spent the better
> part of the flight circling the field trying to get the piston rings
> to seat, although I did take a jaunt up the valley 10 miles or so once
> I felt comfortable with the engine. I would have flown longer, but I
> found it quite uncomfortable with my seat cushion removed and using my
> parachute for padding.
> It fly's straight and level hands off and the handling is crisp and
> predictable. Minor adjustments in the rudder cables are needed, but
> other than that it is a ball to fly! The Jabiru 3300 performed
> flawlessly and the airplane jumped off the ground in about 400' on
> the turf runway. I didn't really record any performance numbers, but I
> will in the next few flights and I'll post them here. I did run it up
> to 137 knots once, though, and there was plenty of throttle
> left. Ground observers said it was very, very quiet.
> Many thanks to all here in the Europa family and special thanks to
> Andy Silvester for all his assistance and the fine FWF package he's
> put together. I also want to thank Neville for his guidance along the
> way and Andy Draper and the Europa factory for their assistance as
> well. Lastly, I want to thank my wife Susan for her consistent
> encouragement and support, not to mention her patience, over the 3.5
> year build. She's chomping at the bit for me to get my 40 hours flown
> off so she can fly it.
> The Europa Permagrin has begun.....
> Regards,
> John Lawton
> Dunlap, TN
> N245E - FLYING!