I cannot quote exact fuigures for the Europa but as an example (which is
not perfect as jet powered aircraft work to different parameters), I used to
fly in Sea Vixens and the best speed for maximum endurance i.e. for the maximum
time in the air regardless of the distance travelled, would be about 180
On the contrary, if you were going for the best range i.e. maximum distance
flown for a given fuel load, then you would beetle along at about 330 knots.
There is, as you will note, a big difference. The best range speed would
not vary with differing winds. The difference is not so large with a piston
engine, and you will not be concerned with max endurance - a case which would
only arise, usually, in the military field where you may have to stay on CAP
station for max time , for instance, waiting to intercept an incoming raid.
One of the peculiarities of GA is that, unlike military flying, there are
few, if any, tables to give best range and endurance speeds for differing
heights, air temperatures etc. I know of no source for these but maybe the
internet holds the answers somewhere!
It would be interesting to work out some figures for oneself but this would
entail a great deal of air time and expense - a job which used to be done for
us by test pilots who would then issue a complete set of pilot's notes with
all the info.
Good job for you if you have the time and inclination!!
Best wishes.