Looking at the Rotax installation manual Fig 29, page 17-1 (for the 912S) it
shows a slightly different way of wiring up the regulator and appears to
show only one wire on terminal C. This should, however, be 14 gauge. The
warning light is connected remote from the regulator terminal but ends up
the same as the Europa diagram. In other words the warning light is still
connected across terminals L and C, just achieved in another part of the
circuit. Having the warning light circuit missing should not stop the
regulator from working (I think!). There is, however a specific warning
note in the Rotax manual which says "Do not interupt the circuit between
Terminal C and +B of the rectifier- regulator during engine running as other
wise the charging will stop.
If you have no connection between B+ and C you will get no charging- I think
this is what you are describing. If so, simply putting a jumper lead
between the two terminals might fix your problem. Once it is charging, you
can find out if the warning light circuit is working.
Hope this helps
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 14 July 2006 09:20
Brian - yes I know which wires (from the alt) go to G and G (presumably
generator, ) and the two, I think judging by the wire gauge, to R and +B. I
seem to be missing the one which connects to L and I also have only one 20
gauge wire connecting to C and not two (20 and 14) as per the wiring
Any ideas? Thanks for your interest.