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RE: Europa-List: Trigear Flap Drive

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Trigear Flap Drive
From: Alan Burrows <>
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 13:48:02

Hi Ian

I had exactly the same problem with mine last month and decided to replace
the motor with the new type. Europa supply a fitting kit that allows you
to attach the new motor without any major problems(be sure to ask for this
kit,I didnt and had another week to wait before I could do the job). The
only thing is that you have to redrill the holes in the fuselage as the
new motor is slightly longer than the old type. Thats a bit fiddley, but
its only two holes. Just make sure you drill into the hard spot thats
built into the bottom of the fuselage. My new holes still came well within
the hard spot, so hopefully so will yours. Hope that helps.
Kind Regards

ps I'm still in Florida and its about 95 degrees here at the moment, hard
work but someone has to do it:-)

> G-IANI has the old (pre 2001) flap drive motor.  Over the last two weeks
> this has become first temperamental then stopped completely.  The wiring
> and switch all checked out fine and it started working again.  This
> lasted about 10 flap cycles.  After this failure I removed the motor
> cover and found the commutater and brushes oily and carbon covered.
> Cleaning this up and replacing everything had it working again for about
> 10 cycles but it has now stopped again.
> Has anyone had a similar experience?
> If so how did you fix the problem?  Is it practical to rebuild the
> motor?
> Can we still get spares for this motor or a replacement motor?
> Does anyone have an unused old type flap motor spare.
> If you have to fit the new flap drive are there any special problems
> with this?
> Any help would be appreciated as we would like to be flying in this good
> weather.
> Ian Rickard  #505 G-IANI XS Trigear
> Europa Club Mods Rep (Trigear)
> e-mail
>    or direct

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