Actually, the 1/2" water hose on the Rotax is 'standard' car heater stuff!
The oil hose isn't; it's Kevlar reinforced with a high temperature rating,
but available through non-Rotax sources at about the same price as Rotax.
Duncan McF.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:45 PM
> <>
> You may think they're expensive but be warned.......
> The Rotax 'official' oil and water hose are each about 17 per metre - I
> thought this was a ridiculous price when we changed all of the hoses on
> However....... I recently changed the water hoses on my Kit Car (can't get
> enough fibreglass!) using hose from the local motor factor. About 10 hours
> later, I arrived home and as I was putting the car into the garage, one of
> the new hoses split clean open for about 2 inches along its length dumping
> all of the coolant onto the floor!!! (imagine if this was your Rotax!!!!)
> I guess the message here is - if you buy Rotax parts, you've a much better
> idea that the parts you're buying have come though a prescriptive
> inspection and test process - if you nip to the motor factors for your
> parts and there is problem, the insurance company may well ask a few
> awkward questions.
> Peter
> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:00 PM
>> <>
>> us !!!!!
>> wrote:
>>> I would think that, at a conservative estimate, the cost of production
>>> of the Rotax Bing Carburretor rubbers are about 80p each. Who is being
>>> ripped off?
>>> Patrick