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Re : Europa-List: wiring

Subject: Re : Europa-List: wiring
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 11:08:26

Hi Ron and all,

> 2) I don't absolute agree with Gilles, if wired as per Europa, if 
> for any
> reason battery is not putting out, 1 pump will run off of generator
> (provided it is excited, which would have happened upon start up)

That's the main point concerning the circuit : you have redundancy PROVIDED  the
regulator is working. I played the "What if game" before designing the pump
circuit, and made some investigations.

The Rotax regulator needs a definite voltage to continue providing power. 
it, or have it fail, or run your battery down, and you're left with very
few option to keep your engine running.

Of course, things are different if you have an additional power source such as
a second alternator.

I paid much attention to the number of switches : except for the E-bus switch 
is not mandatory), there is no special switch to operate the airplane :
the behaviour is the same as in any Lyco-Conti aircraft.
Turn off the Master switch, do anything, the engine keeps running, unless you 
off the ignition keyswitch. No risk of inadvertently switching of the main

By the way, the airplane runs without any problem with a 7 Ah only Hawker 


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