Hi Ian
You are sure it is an oil leak are you? I get a small smear on my top
cowl which I thought was oil. It turned out to be grease from the prop.
When servicing the prop the schedule calls for quite a lot of grease and
I think the excess gets squeezed out through the blade roots an ends up
on the cowl. This is particularly the case in hot weather when the
grease becomes thin and looks like oil. When I subsequently service the
prop the next time there is still plenty of grease there so perhaps we
are being encouraged to put more grease in than is required.
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of G-IANI
Sent: 31 July 2006 11:38
After 23 flying hours, G-IRON has delveloped and oil leak. After one
hours flying about a teaspoonfull of oil appears to have come from the
oil seal on the prop sfaft and then been thrown of the prop flange onto
the spinner backplate.
The aircraft was taken to Skydrive who replaced the oil front seal on
the prop shaft and checked the shaft. The engine was ground run for 10
minutes with no apparent oil loss. The next flight (again about 1 hour)
and the same oil leak occured.
The aircraft was again taken to Skydrive who replaced the gearbox case,
oilseal, front bearing and prop shaft. The engine was ground run for 10
minutes with no apparent oil loss. The next flight (again about 1 hour)
and the same oil leak occured again. At the moment Skydrive are unsure
why this has happened as they have never had a similar problem on some
2000 , 91x series, engines.
Has anyone got any ideas?