When: Saturday, Aug 26, 2006.
Where: Almena Airport (2C5 - Paw Paw, MI - 12 miles SW of Kalamazoo,
MI). Coordinates 42deg 15.17'N, 085 deg 51.10'W. Almena is a Day VFR
2100 ft grass strip.
Food: Barbecue lunch on Saturday. Other meals available at adjacent golf
course or in town.
Activities: Experience and talk Europas!! Other possibilities include:
Tour Kalamazoo Aviation History Museum (AirZoo)
Winery Tours
Accommodations: If you'd like to arrive on Friday and/or stay through
Sunday, you may pitch a tent at the airport. Showers are available at
adjacent golf course. Motels are nearby (5 mi).
Weather: Average High 82, Average Low 59
More Information: Jim & Heather Butcher,,
269-375-5923, Cell - 269-599-0122