I just asked my instructor of 30 yrs last week about this and he said that
the stall/spin
entry occurs on the base to final turn because a lot of pilots are afraid
of using too much
bank angle When they get to the bank angle they're comfortable with and
still need some more to make the turn, they will use bottom rudder to
tighten the
turn without banking more, causing the stall just like on the video.
My instructor also said it is safe to use top rudder causing a slipping
turn because even
if a stall occurs, the high outside wing will stall first, then only causing
the stalled wing
to return to level. This can be then caught in time to stop a spin entry to
the outside.
I can see there could be a variety of opinions here but it seems there
would be more time to
correct and fly out of the stall.
>From: "William Mills" <william@wrmills.plus.com>
>Reply-To: europa-list@matronics.com
>To: <europa-list@matronics.com>
>Subject: Re: Europa-List: Skidded turn traffic pattern stall video
>Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 06:11:46 +0100
>Ron and All,
>I can appreciate what happens in an uncoordinated turns when the A/C is
>"skidding", i.e. bottom rudder, but I have always been led to believe (and
>from my personal experience), that a "slipping" turn, i.e. top rudder, is a
>safe manoeuvre and a good way to lose height rapidly. Also a straight side
>slip, perhaps on finals to lose more height than flaps alone will generate,
>i.e. crossed controls, is safe provided the nose is raised after the
>controls are crossed and lowered before the controls are centred. I was
>instructed and have instructed these manoeuvres (in gliding) without any
>problem and I have the belief that it is impossible to enter a spin from
>crossed controls, because the inside wing is leading. Has anyone else been
>instructed or has instructed this as well, power or gliding?
>Best wishes,
>----- Original Message ----- From: <rparigor@suffolk.lib.ny.us>
>To: <europa-list@matronics.com>
>Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 3:17 AM
>Subject: Europa-List: Skidded turn traffic pattern stall video
>>Saw this on a RV Newsgroup.
>>Ron Parigoris
>>The real problem is stalling while in an uncoordinated turn. In a normal
>>stall, your wing stalls near the root first - that turbulent air hits the
>>tail and gives you whatever buffet you're going to get, depending on the
>>In a skidded turn, the stall happens further out on the wing and there's
>>no warning at all - the turbulent air 'misses' the tail. Worse, the first
>>part of the wing to stall is right out there near the inside wing's
>>aileron, so you basically lose that too.
>>The point is that even in a plane that usually gives lots of warning
>>before stalling, you likely won't get the same warning in an
>>uncoordinated, turning 'traffic-pattern-type' stall.
>>See very cool video here.