Ron, Happened to have measured mine on Saturday. It is 6.7 degrees. It is
not an absolutely fixed figure however, since it depends on weight of
plane, size of tire and how hard you pump it up. Regards, David Joyce
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 10:08 PM
Subject: Europa-List: XS Monowheel door sill angle on ground
> Would appreciate if someone could tell me the angle of the left door sill
> on a XS Monowheel when it is sitting on ground.
> "Thinking inside the box" at the moment, installing a box where 2 Andair
> 375 Gasculators will live and allow draining and servicing from outside,
> aft of the trail edge of flaps. I want to make top of box level with
> ground, when the plane is sitting on its wheels, so I can drain the last
> drop of water out the bowls of Andairs. Our plane is still in cradle.
> Thx.
> Ron Parigoris
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