Try Watts Tyres; they advertise in most of the flying mags.
----- Original Message -----
From: Roger Mills
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 5:49 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Monowheel Inner Tube
Has anyone bought a replacement monowheel inner tube recently that
fits properly?
After reading reports on this forum about inner tube blow - outs,
given that mine is now over 7 years old, I thought I had better fit a
new inner tube - so I purchased one from Europa and tried to fit it
yesterday. Unfortunately, I found that the cranked valve stem didn't fit
the wheel hub. Given the shape of the hub casting, the stem would be
forced outwards on inflation and the threaded part of the stem would be
forced hard into contact with the outer rim - making it difficult, or
impossible, to fit a pump connector to it.
On closer examination I found that the outside of the cranked stem on
the original tube was 20mm from the surface and the replacement stem was
25mm from the surface. Given that the original didn't appear in too bad
condition, I refitted it and am now looking to find an exact
The curious thing is that, when I queried this with the factory, Roger
told me that mine was the last one of a batch of at least 6 and there
had been no other complaints! Yet I am sure that, if I had forced the
tube into service, I would be risking a blow out due to an over-stressed
valve stem neck/innertube joint. Has anyone had a similar experience and
could this be the cause of the recently mentioned blow - outs?
More to the point, does anyone know of a source of 8.00-6 inner tubes
with a cranked stem (the outer edge of the crank being 20mm from the
tube surface) please?
Roger Mills