Late this morning I took my Europa XS trigear on its first flight from
Kjeller airfield outside Oslo (ENKJ, known to some of the readers of
this forum from visits with their Europas).
I followed the first flight program recommended in Europa Owner's
Manual, but I must admit that I had a very strong urge to take it on a
really long flight!
Although I have flown the Europa at a demo flight in Lakeland, I still
find it an amazing aircraft to fly. So nimble yet so stable. I was
checked out on the Diamond Katana a couple of weeks ago - not even close
to Europa when it comes to "fun to fly".
Left wing is a bit heavy when letting go of the stick, and so am I but
whether this is the reason will be checked out on subsequent flights
with more equal loading. Clean stall at abt 51 kt, full flap stall at
abt 42 kt (to be reconfirmed later in the test program). Left wing drop
in both configurations but quite undramatic all told and very easy and
quick to recover from the stall.
Duration 20 minutes in the air, absolutely uneventful except some shimmy
of the nosewheel on touchdown. I have evidenty loosened the shimmy
damper nut too much to get easy steering, so this will have to be
tightened up a bit.
The engine sings like it enjoys what it is doing, and the temps etc.
were all well within limits.
The only problem occured when opening the canopy afterwards for the
photographer. I wanted a "cool" picture of myself, but that well-known
Europa flier grin just sat there!
So the stats, Rowland:
- Europa XS trigear
- Kit no. A225
- Rotax 912ULS
- Airmaster A332 with Warp blades
- Build time 4 years 9 months - 3300 hrs of which 300 filling and
sanding (should have filled less and sanded more, see next item!)
- Empty weight, with fairings and all the options plus some, steel
nosewheel springs, heavy leather interior trim: 966 lbs
(the good thing, though, is that CG is right where it should be at
60.2 in and that the Norwegian CAA has approved 1450 lbs MTOW)
A profound "thank you" goes to all on this forum for help and support
through the building period; to Andy (whose address I unfortunately do
not have), Roger and John at Europa; to Neville (who is worth his weight
in gold); and last but not least to my fellow builders here in Norway
for invaluable contributions leading up to this most fantastic day!
Best regards,