Hi all,
Rotax just sent the following.
Gilles Thesee
Grenoble, France
The recently released Rotax Alert Service Bulletins ASB-912-051 / ASB-914-034
the inspection of the engine magnetic plug on certain Rotax 912 and 914
Series engines.
Based on information gathered from field reports and consultations with their
experienced in-house Rotax service technicians, Rotech Research Canada Ltd.
(Authorised Distributor of Certified Rotax Aircraft Engines) has discovered
in some instances, removal of the engine magnetic plug can be difficult.
Failure to use proper shop techniques and good quality tools when attempting
to remove the magnetic plug can result in damage to the engine magnetic plug and
/ or engine crankcase.
In response, Rotech Research Canada Ltd. has developed a set of expanded
and tips that can be used by owners, operators and engine service personnel
when removing the engine magnetic plug. These instructions and tips assume
that the user has an understanding of good shop practices and techniques. Users
with limited shop or mechanical experience are strongly advised to seek
---From an authorized Rotax Service Center or Repair Station.
Rotech Research Canada Ltd. has generously allowed these expanded instructions
and tips to be shared with all Rotax Owners Association News subscribers. Click
on the following link to download the instructions and tips as a PDF document
---From the Rotech Research web site:
Rotax Alert Service Bulletins ASB-912-051, ASB-914-034, ASB-912-051UL and
ONLY apply to a limited range of engine serial numbers. Please download
and review the appropriate Alert Service Bulletin and determine if your engine
is affected prior to contacting your Authorised Service Center or Repair
Station for assistance.
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