I have had nothing but good luck with superfill. (other than the time I mixed
it at the wrong ratio of 1 to 1). I have seen individuals slather it on in the
hopes of getting everrything in one shot. Thus having a lot of high areas
and god awful amounts of sanding. If you are just trying to fill the weave you
only need a skim coat. As when you are done sanding you should only see a
blue surface where the superfill has filled in only the low points of
the weave. I have taken my filling jobs slowly taking several passes and
sessions. I find it easier and more precise to fill in the low spots after
each cure rather than knocking down mountains of excess filler. It may take
longer for the extra curing sessions so it is advisable to work on 2 pieces
at a time. Also when having a first go at anything work on the side not
seen by you. Either the bottom side of the control surface or the co-pilot's
side. That way once you develop your techniqu
e the tops always look good as well as what you see from the cockpit.
Steve Hagar
flying off the 40 hrs
Steve Hagar
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 10/22/2006 3:50:45 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Using Super Fill
I have just had my first go at applying superfil to the surfaces of my control
surfaces. I tested the product on the underside of the trim tab just in case I
I am disappointed with the application of this product. I expected a Bondo type
consistency. However this was a bit thicker and difficult to spread.
in the shop is about 75 degrees today. I am using an automotive type bondo
squeegee to apply this product.
The problem is that it is now going on very smoothly. This leaves voids and high
points on the surface. It looks awful. I was expecting a much smoother surface.
I am attempting to just cover the weave here but I know there is going to
be a lot of sanding to cut these peaks.
And comments or observations using this stuff would be greatly appreciated.
Brian Skelly
Europa XS TriGear #A276
North Texas USA
You can see my build photos at: