I divert the hot air off the back of my oil cooler and get ridiculous
amounts of
heat. I have a simple rectangular box behind the oil cooler that has a
adjustable slide that will either dump all the hot air overboard if its open
divert all the air into the Europa defroster vent. Works great. I have an
NACA inlet with a Scat hose to the front side of the oil cooler so there is
no air from the
engine compartment entering the oil cooler.
>From: <brian.lonnon@tiscali.co.uk>
>Reply-To: europa-list@matronics.com
>To: <europa-list@matronics.com>
>Subject: Europa-List: Cabin heat
>Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 20:21:52 -0000
>Three of us are just acquiring a trigear XS which has a Jabiru 3300 engine.
>It doesn't have any cabin heat and so is a bit parky!
>I have looked on the Europa club abd manufacturer's website but can't find
>any details on cabin heat.
>Can anyone help?
>(almost G-BYFG)
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