Hi Guys,
If you are worried about CO infiltrating your cabin heat system from your
exhaust muff there is a really easy way to test for leaks. You need a shop vac
that has a "blow" option, some duct tape (can't survive without it) some
soapy water and something to apply the soapy water. I use a cotton ball clamped
in hemostats to apply the soapy water, but you could use a squirt bottle, paper
towel, etc.
First, hook up the shop vac onto one exhaust stack. Tape the other closed.
Turn on the vac and soap all the external welds on the expansion chamber. If
you have a leak the soap will bubble. Repeat for the other stack to make sure
you didn't miss any leaks the first go around. This is part of my normal
routine for annual inspection on my Citabria and Pawnee (and now my Europa)
And Alan, regarding your woes of trying to import your bird, remember the
official FAA motto: We're the FAA. We're not happy until you're not happy!
John Lawton
Dunlap, TN
N245E - Flying - 62.6 hours