Hi! Karel
Have you checked it isn=92t the stabilator drive bushes causing
differential slop which you can feel down the stick?
The bushes at the bottom of the stick were tufnol and factory produced.
Some became tight on fixing of the cockpit module as indeed mine did and
needed freeing off with =93brasso=94 so I=92d be very surprised if you
wear there? Could be a loose or collapsed connector? Needs identifying
before flight.
I have no clonks or likes anywhere in my control chain at 600 hours.
Bob Harrison G-PTAG
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: 10 November 2006 21:25
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Outrigger Pivot Bearing Mod
I can not talk of wear on the stick pivots since I have only 15 hours,
but I was badly surprised by the play on the stick back- and forwards.
So no play came from the ailerons. When holding the elevator neutral
than you can hear a tack tack between your feet by moving the stick back
and forwards. There are two pivots: one on the CSO2 and one through the
stick and pushrod underneath. As well on starbord side. Until now I
hadn't the time for more investigation. Perhaps is this a comparable
problem with that of Remi Guerner? Isn't he talking about play rather
than wear?
Best regards,
Karel Vranken # 447 monowheel F-PKRL Rotax 912ULS Airmaster AN332 with
----- Original Message -----
From: nigel charles <mailto:nwcmc@tiscali.co.uk>
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2006 12:29 PM
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Outrigger Pivot Bearing Mod
The loads are nowhere near as bad for the sticks as the outriggers and
this is the first I have heard of wear in the stick pivots. Are you
certain it is the pivots and not elsewhere in the flying control system?
Is this in the pitch axis?
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of R=E9mi
Sent: 09 November 2006 18:23
Subject: Europa-List: Outrigger Pivot Bearing Mod
Hi Nigel,
I am thinking at doing the same mod to the control stick pivots, as the
play in those pivots is becoming unacceptable.
What do you think of that? Any body has done it?
Remi Guerner
F-PGKL, XS S/N395 monowheel, 912S, Airmaster, 436 hours
As the designer of this mod I have a few timely comments.
First of all we are looking at updating this mod. The reason is that
even using 4130 steel tube for the inner tubing it has a tendency to
distort crating drag on the outer tube and causing the pivot to revert
to the original arrangement. The future version will use an AN5 bolt
instead of the AN4 bolt and inner tube. The bolt will be prevented from
rotating by locating the head in a V shaped recess in a plate riveted on
the outside of the side plate. An AN5 castellation nut will be used to
retain the bolt. For UK builders the original prototype version of this
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