Sidsel & Svein Johnsen wrote:
> Lockwood sells an oil cooler thermostat, presumably
> suitable for Rotax 912S.
> - Anyone with good experience using this to keep oil
> temp acceptably high (problem at my latitudes)?
> - Does it come with good installation instructions?
> - What other fittings are required to connect it to
> standard Europa oil system?
> - Any good alternatives?
I tried the Mocal OT/1 oil thermostat as per an approved
PFA mod, which required drilling out the four oil
entrances and exits. I think this messed up the system
inside. It does not keep the temperature up in cold
weather. It needs "close off the air through the
radiators" baffling also.
I have bought one of these Lockwood thermostats, made by
Perma-Cool. It has good documentation but has a very
strange sentence in it.
"Under severely extreme colling conditions it may be
possible to overcool the oil even with the thermostat in
place. This can be caused by the cooled oil moving through
the thermostat and creating a false reading from the
thermostat actuator".
This I do not make any sense of, especially with the
following sentence :
"In these circumstances, it is recommended that the "C2"
(return from the cooler) be plugged and that the return
line from the oil cooler be connected via a T fitting in
the line that runs between "E2" and the oil pump."
I have asked Perma-Cool twice to explain these words and
neither time did the answer make sense to me.
However if it does make sense to someone I would be
interested to hear !
In the case of the unaltered Mocal thermostat the oil path
through the cooler is blocked by its diaphragm when the
oil is cool. In the Lockwood one it isn't with maybe 10%
oil going through the cooler anyway. I can't however see
how any "overcooling" would be fixed by using the T piece
which avoids the cold oil going through the thermostat.
In short some (adjustable) baffling to reduce to almost
zero the air flow through the radiators in the cruise is
working for me ! (With the Mocal radiator) - I haven't
tried the Lockwood one yet)
I could scan the three pages of instructions and send them
to you if you wished.
G-OWWW High Cross