When you submit your Program Letter to the FAA, add a paragraph that says:
"This aircraft is designed to be operated in two configurations as follows:
Aircraft Configuration - 27 ft wing span with flaps
Motorglider Configuration - 47.5 ft wing span with air brakes
The pilot in command of this aircraft shall comply with the applicable
sections of FAR Part 61 prior to operating the aircraft in any of the above
referenced configurations."
On the Form 8050-88, Affidavit Of Ownership for Amateur Built Aircraft, on
the class line, insert "Aircraft/Motorglider".
When the FAA issues the Airworthiness Certificate, be sure that it says
"Aircraft/Motorglider". This allows you to operate in either configuration.
An important point is the reference to Part 61. If flying in the
motorglider configuration, you must have a glider license with self launch
endorsement, but no medical is necessary to fly gliders. If flying in the
aircraft configuration, you must have a ASEL pilots license and a medical is
required. By registering as both, you are covering all bases. Once
registered as an aircraft, it is difficult to change the class to
motorglider or both.
Note to all, you might want to register your Europa as both if you think you
might want to add the MG wings in the future.
Jim Butcher