> Adults also need recreation and the airport would serve that purpose,
> especially
for Sport pilots. I have been told that Charles Lindberg used the airport,
so there are historical reasons to keep the airport. It is only 8 miles from
where he lived in Hopewell, NJ. (The same town as the airport) There are a
lot of good reasons, but it will be a lot of work.
Indeed. And that really works for me as long-time pilot and aircraft owner, but
scrap the nostalgia except as anecdotal. Strictly business, as in the Godfather
movies. Take a tip from somebody who is an officer in our Airport User
Ive been politely lectured more than once in the Mayors office or that
of County Commissioners, each of avoiding sunshine laws. Ive several times
got up before the microphone to address government on the merits if the issue
for the public good, with people from themedia table flagging me down for quoted
comment. Unlike usually annoying talking heads on TV of the federal pols,
local pols make crap for pay, and they really want to make the commonweal work.
You want to save that airport for your airplane, marginal utility though a turf
strip may be, but please scrap that agenda. The beauty of American democracy
is how (sadly or not) few people get involved at the local level to make things
happen. And local pols can be rather clueless. Success or failure, its a
Fred F.
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