glad you had enough wits to FLY THE PLANE. :-)
We can all learn from other peoples mishaps, thanks for telling us.
When my engine boiled on take off, then a hose burst, then the engine
swallowed glycol but unfortunately didn't stop, then? I've no idea but
the trim was badly nose high, (I checked the wreck a few weeks later,
we had a stick top trim button and I guess I nudged it accidentally) so
I must have been pushing hard, glycol on windscreen, not enough power
with trees and barn to avoid, I can only assume My gyro toppled.
Then the power came back suddenly and I guess the extra torque tripped
the left wing, (inside of turn) and in we went from 100 feet or so. At
least it didn't hurt, till later.
I have no memory of the accident but it tool me 6 weeks to get out of
hospital, fortunately most of what they screwed back on works. They were
good those guys but I was lucky. They were doing a trial at the hospital
that day, put as many surgeons as necessary on the case at once, I think
they said 7 guys worked on me at once. IT WORKED but I don't think it
worked for the bean counters.
I really should go back to the hospital and chase them up on their
conclusions to that successful experiment.
One very successful British NHS story. I do find it difficult to respect
beancounters. Our western education system still hasn't learnt what the
real values are. Maybe we should blame the bean counters for global
warming ;-)
pholosoffing again, sorry