A note to all that N625AZ flew for the first time Tues 11/28/06. At 10:34 AM
local from KGEU (Glendale Ariz) at the extermely capable hands of
Bob Lindsay. First take off was approx 500 ft, climb was normal. Bob took
the plane to 3500 ft over the airport and flew for 45 mins before landing
to a highly excited builder. All flight was normal, the Jabiru engine ran
flawlessly. The plane flew straight and level with no trim imputs at all.
were straight and level with no bad tendencies.
At 4:00 PM the plane flew for it's second flight of about 30 mins to expand
the flight envelope a little with 60Deg bank and 2 G turns. All was normal
and successful. Tomorrow I'll take up with Bob and fly myself for the first
time. (If I can get any sleep tonight).
Al Stills