Actually, I was one of the earliest 914 Europa drivers in the
US.......first flight being in 1999. With about 50 hours of flight I
had the oil return line "carbonize", and burst in flight. Fortunately,
no fire but lots of smoke. The oil return line provided by Europa (or
perhaps it was Rotax), was junk. I replaced it with a stainless steel
braided oil line, covered the line with firesleave, and further wrapped
a stainless steel jacket around the line where it comes closest to the
exhaust system. 400 hours later, no problem.
A better solution however, is to turn the banjo fitting at the bottom of
the engine so as to face forward. Then route the oil return line
forward to the front of the engine and then backward to the oil tank,
keeping the line far away from any exhaust components. A "stock" oil
return line, fitted per instructions WILL burn up. Please take this
advice seriously.
Garry Stout
N4220S A060 Trigear
----- Original Message -----
From: R.C.Harrison
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 5:22 PM
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Oil return hose / 914
Hi! Gert
Whilst I'm not a 914 "driver" YET.. I seem to remember that there has
been an issue over this problem that involved re-routing the pipe
/changing the direction of the "banjo" fitting to take the hose away
---From either the manifold or muffler heat?
I'm all ears for messages from those who have been previously
Bob Harrison.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Gert
Sent: 30 November 2006 19:17
Subject: Europa-List: Oil return hose / 914
I have had an quite unpleasant experience while doing my annual.
The last month or so I have noticed a ( - very week) smell of "hot
oil" sometimes during take of...... and funny enough only during take
Could not localize the reason until now when disassembling the
different parts under the cowling for the 100 hours/annual check.
It looks like the oil - return - hose have been more than hot under
the asbestos - fire - sleeve, and therefore have changed to a kind of
I am sure it would have collapsed within the next hours.
The oil - line have been routed according to Rotax installation manual
and instructions from Europa - app. 90 degree to the stb. side and up
alongside the intake manifold to the top of the oil-tank
The problem is on that piece of the hose that runs between the turbo
unit and the bottom of the engine.
You better put that oil-line on your check - list if you fly behind a
914' ...
FYI - I have never seen higher oil-temp's than 110C (app. 230F)
according to the log in my FlyDat.
Have other had similar experiences?
NB - remember to make a notice about Endelave '07 in your agenda