So where are Lockwood based and how do we contact them ???
[] On Behalf Of rlborger
Sent: 16 December 2006 16:35
Subject: Europa-List: Lockwood 9xx Class
Rotax 9xx engine or are considering running a Rotax 9xx engine.
Subject: Lockwood Aviation's Rotax 9xx Class
Gentlemen & women:
If you are flying (or planning to fly) with a Rotax 9xx engine you MUST
attend Lockwood's Rotax 9xx class or a similar class provided by some other
qualified Rotax shop. I'd advise and highly recommend that you attend this
class BEFORE you ever try to start your engine.
I just returned from 2 day of very intense classes at Lockwood. The class
is taught by Dean Vogel. This gentleman has some very serious credentials
and experience to qualify him to teach the class. He knows his poop and if
there's some bit he is unsure of, there's an excellent staff of some of the
most experienced and qualified A&Ps down stairs or in the next room to whom
he can go for the definitive answer. We covered:
Day One
Introduction & Documentation
Oil & Lube
Lots on Oil & Lube because "The Rotax 9xx Engine Hates Oil Starvation!"
Coolant & Cooling System
Fuels & Fuel System
The Bing Carb
Ignition & Electrical Systems
Day Two
Lots of hands-on work tearing things apart and putting them back together
Carb Sync/Balance
Oil System care & feeding
Locking the engine for maintenance.
Checking the slipper clutch
Checking the dog friction
And lots more...
The Rotax 9xx engine is a masterpiece of technology and has absolutely
nothing in common with any other aero engine other than a crankshaft,
connecting rods, pistons, cylinders, camshaft & valves. And ALL those
pieces on the Rotax are very different from the same parts on a
There is so much B.S. running about the web concerning the Rotax. If you
believe and follow half of what sounds good, you will ruin your engine. And
Dean has lots of examples of what happens when well-intentioned folks follow
well-intentioned advice. And none of them are pretty. And all of them are
There are also lots of excellent tips and tricks provided to help you keep
your little high-tech power source contented and purring along.
For instance, do you "burp" your engine on every preflight? If you aren't
doing it, you are asking for trouble.
Has your engine ever been turned backwards (A BIG NO-NO)? How can you tell
if it has and what should you do about it? What happens if it has been
turned backwards and you don't do the right thing? Clue: It's ugly and
I will be posting all the pics I took during the class on my build web-site
under a new album at the beginning. (Probably do that on Sunday, Texas
time) There will be some explanation with some of the pics, but I don't
have the time to do a complete write-up. Nor do I want to try to reproduce
the class on my web-site. That wouldn't be right. You need to attend the
class to get full benefit of the decades of experience of the Lockwood
BTW, look for an article in an upcoming Kit Planes. Tim Kearn, Engine Beat
Column, was also attending with the assignment of a future article for his
Another point of interest, a gentleman from Cessna, Light Sport Aircraft
Division, was also in attendance.
Call Lockwood and schedule a class.
Good building and great flying,
Bob Borger
Europa Kit #A221 N914XL, XS Mono, Intercooled 914, Airmaster C/S
(85%) tail kit done, wings closed, cockpit module installed, pitch system
in, landing gear frame in, rudder system in, outrigger mod in, Fuselage Top
on, lift/drag/flap pins in, wing incidence set, tie bar in, flap drive in,
Mod 70 done. Baggage bay in. Flaps & Main Gear complete. Working in - 24
Instrument Panel, 25 Electrical, 30 Fuel System, 32 Tail, 34 Door Latches &
35 Doors, 37 Finishing. Airmaster arrived 29 Sep 05. Seat arrived from
Oregon Aero. E04 interior kit has arrived. Preparing for ROTAX 914
3705 Lynchburg Dr.
Corinth, TX 76208
Home: 940-497-2123
Cel: 817-992-1117