only downside is possible corrosion of the connection to the cable
braid. Might be worth finding a silver loaded resin to add long term
btw I think your wing roots are the nicest I've seen. I bet the wind
sighs when it flows over them ;-)
Justin Kennedy wrote:
> I like to think I saved weight in constructing a backplane for my
> transponder aerial by using tin foil. I constructed a flat 12 by 14
> backplane using two layers of bid, On a glass surface I put one layer
> down and then some drinking straws across for stiffening and then a
> second layer. This produced a flat surface which I then covered with
> cooking tinfoil. The aerial was mounted in the middle and the whole
> lot stuck to the inside wall of the fuselage as far back as was
> practical. It needed two legs made from rolled up paper with scraps of
> bid wound round them to support it inboard. This has worked well,
> needs no maintenance and is not too heavy. I suspect the weight saving
> is minimal but the backplane is huge and works well.
> Merry Christmas and safe flying to all.
> Justin Kennedy