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RE: Europa-List: Fuel vent opening ideas wanted

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Fuel vent opening ideas wanted
From: nigel charles <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 09:15:23

The simplest way to prevent bugs and debris is to fit a pitot type cover
whilst the aircraft is parked. This is what many of us do. It will also
stop water ingress and ice formation. The Europa was designed as a VFR
aircraft so the vent is not designed to cope with icing whilst in
flight. It is possible that whilst flying VFR in rain that there could
be a small amount of water ingested but I have not heard of this being a

Nigel Charles

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 12 January 2007 07:26
Subject: Europa-List: Fuel vent opening ideas wanted

I have fuel tank vent on my XS Monowheel plumbed to the top of the
a small space (siphon break) and the vent hose comes out.

Was wondering if I could get input on:

Attempt to cut down clogging (Bug, Ice formation, Debris)
        Thoughts on Reduxing in some stainless wool? (What are
        Thoughts on crushing vent tube into a oval, in hopes of
                preventing critter ingress and stream lining?

What is favorite location, forward facing? Vertical(90 or 45 degree

Ron Parigoris

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