> A mandatory AD for Stemme motorgliders with Rotax
> engines
effectively banning Evans coolant as it is imflammable !
Simon Smith wrote:
> This is not new. We discussed this back in October when
> it first came out.
I think we have a case of the right hand and the left hand
not knowing about each other as Rotax have just issued (Nov) :
SB-912-043 R2
Which allows Evans almost without limit and makes some
onerous conditions for the use of 50-50 water/antifreeze.
It is mandatory if using 50-50 to have a water temperature
gauge as well as a CHT gauge. However it is only mandatory
to have it done by Dec 2007.
My thinking is that the two authorities will come to some
conclusion one day and that conclusion could be anywhere
---From one extreme to the other.
Nor am I sure that whether mandatory applies to an
uncertified engine in a PFA aircraft even though the SB
does mention the 912ULS engine.
My 50-50 is watched very carefully and I have an
undercooling problem rather than an overcooling one so I
plan to wait until the end of the year before I even
consider doing anything about it !
G-OWWW High Cross