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Re: Europa-List: Mod 72

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Mod 72
From: William Harrison <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2007 19:10:26
Yes, I completely agree with Martin's sentiment. Aircraft should not  
designed like tractors and are therefore always susceptible to  
abusive treatment. There comes a point where you have to point a  
finger at the pilot for breaking his aircraft, not at the aircraft  
for not being bombproof.

Safe Flying

Willie Harrison G-BZNY

On 13 Jan 2007, at 16:28, wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I would be interested into any facts regarding the single failure  
> that seems to have occurred after all these years and thousands of  
> fleet hours. Number of hours, number of landings, heavy landing  
> history, operation from grass, etc.
> Like the tailplane drive pin mod (caused by one failure) I will no  
> doubt carry out this mod as it is factory recommended/mandatory in  
> the UK even though it seems at first to be a knee-jerk reaction to  
> what may be a unique incident.
> Regards,
> Martin Tuck
> Europa N152MT
> Wichita, Kansas

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