I finally found some data on the T_P_ series of rivets at
http://www.micometals.co.nz/PDF/fasteners/MICO_Rivets.pdf. This at least helps
you try to find the same size and material rivets at the usual US suppliers.
Unfortunately haven't found a data sheet for the No. 3 diameter.
I also learned that Aeroworks here in Michigan supplied hardware to Europa a
few years ago and still has a lot of inventory. They have inventory of some of
the rivets. Contact Dale Forton at 800-356-1671 or 616-527-1302. Their
website is www.aeroworks.com.
Having said all this, I try to purchase as much as is feasible from E04, just to
help ensure that they are still around in the future.
Jim Butcher A185, N241BW
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