Hi Graham,
Cynical? No!
Realistic? Yes!
Best regards, Bryan
> We might be watching the end of western civilization. Race against time,
> will the planet kick us off before we wreck it?
> Apologies for being cinical but that is the effect govmint has on me.
> Graham
> Karl Heindl wrote:
>>> We had enough of this aggro when we were building the aircraft -
>>> about 60 or so mods from memory (yes, we were one of the early ones
>>> (no49!!!).
>> What exactly is the point of having the PFA. They passed the Europa
>> with flying colours, and yet, some of the parts were obviously
>> underdesigned. I always thought that the engine frame looked kind of
>> flimsy, and I guess the nosegear frame will be next to bite the dust.
>> Karl