-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of JEFF
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 12:44 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Tri-Gear For Sale
Fellow Europaphiles,
I have painfully come to the conclusion that I should sell my Europa
Tri-Gear A258 / Gold Rush. We are building a new home and I'm trying to
add another 20 acres of land to the project / Future runway. For the
next few years I will have little time for flying and the hanger rent
and and an idle plane do not make sense right now.
I have about 70 hours on her and she fly's perfect. This plane spent her
first month of construction under the watchful eyes of Bob Berube at
Flight Crafters in Florida and it came out as a perfect and balanced
plane from the very first flight. Had a visit from Neville on his way to
Oshkosh a few years back for one of many tech & build inspections.
Others done by Steve Wright of Wright Aviation. Some of you may remember
his ''Stagger EZ'' that was on the front cover of last years
2006 Oshkosh program. Having him in the hanger right beside mine was
It has a 912-S with the standard ground adjustable warp drive prop which
I have set at 21 degrees. The empty weight is 877 pounds before wheel
pants. I'm seeing 130 Kts at 6,500 to 7,500 ft @ 5200 RPM's and she'll
do 120 Kts and sip gas at 4800 RPM's. I nicknamed her Gold Rush as you
can see by the paint job. I spent a year block sanding with a high build
primer then painting, and the finish is outstanding. Here is a list of
the panel goodies.
I-Com A200 radio
Garmin 320-A Transponder
Trutrack ADI with built in GPS
Stratomaster E2 Engine monitoring system... My Favorite!
Nav-Aid Autopilot & Servo
Ray Allen Wing leveler with servo built in the aileron.
UMA Altimeter, VSI, and Air Speed with V-speeds silk screened in.
Panel mounted AvMap, with 7 inch screen. I split the screen with map and
Flightcom 403 Intercom and a few other toys.
And it has the new Gas Landing light under the prop, thats brighter than
any I've ever seen but uses only 2.9 amps
I have not placed an ad anywhere yet. If there is any interest please
email me direct at this address
Best Regards,
Jeff Roberts
615-406-8651 Cell
N128LJ / Gold Rush
Here is a picture with more upon your request.