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Re: Europa-List: Trutrac ADI looks good for $1100

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Trutrac ADI looks good for $1100
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 22:54:26

Hi Jeff - I finally got your panel pic to download.  What a beautiful panel 
and interior.
Looks like a Ferrari in there (or at least a Lexus) with all that leather 
and woodgrain!
You gotta be nuts to be selling that thing!
  Seriously tho, have you had any situations where the Trutrac got upset or 
like greater than 60 deg banks?  Would you recommend the GPS mod?  What does
the GPS mod really do for you?  Thanks!


>Subject: Re: Europa-List: Trutrac ADI looks good for $1100
>Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 12:19:43 -0600
>I purchased one of the first ones to come out and have been using it since 
>last spring. It works great! I bought the internal GPS so your heading is 
>right on track even on the ground as long as you have a shot of the 
>satellites. You can also set it close to the stall as you like and it will 
>start flashing to warn you. Go more than a 45 degree bank and red arrows 
>will tell you which way to point the stick. It's all good, especially for 
>the money. Here is a picture of it in my panel. As you can tell I highly 
>recommend it.
>Best Regards
>Jeff Roberts
>N128LJ / Gold Rush... Flying and for sale.

><< Panel2.JPG >>

>On Jan 26, 2007, at 11:21 AM, GLENN CROWDER wrote:
>>  I just found the Trutrac ADI with attitude indicator, DG track, and 
>>bank angle indicator (not turn rate).  Looks pretty good for $1100.  You
>>can also get it with built in autopilot.  Anybody using one?  Looks like 
>>coming out with a Dynon type unit as well.
>>                                           Glenn
>>Turn searches into helpful donations. Make your search count.
>Jeff Roberts
>Roberts Marketing & Media Management
>615-355-7575 Office
>615-406-8651 Cell

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