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Europa-List: Dodgy Tacho?

Subject: Europa-List: Dodgy Tacho?
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2007 22:19:14
Hi Folks,

I have noticed on some flights (but not all) that I can be happily flying 
along at 5,000 rpm when the UMA analogue tacho pointer catches my eye as it 

to maybe 3,000 rpm., hovers for a bit, moves around a bit, then resumes back 
where it should be. Of course the engine carries on working just fine while 
all this is going on. I was planning on installing a UMA LED digital tacho 
thinking it maybe the instrument. It could I suppose be the sensor at the engine


Any thoughts on what it might be - and anyone had any experience with the UMA 
LED 2 1/4 in. digital tacho? Any other recommendations out there - needs to 
be 2 1/4 inch dia. instrument though.

Martin Tuck
Wichita, Kansas

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