All my metal parts, at least those not treated at the factory, are
coated with zinc chromate. I've been in the air for almost two years,
with over 250 hours on the aircraft. No corrosion to report and I
survived the process in good shape...
Jeff - Baby Blue
flyingphil2 wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm starting to work through all the metal parts and am thinking about
> corrosion
proofing. I've been advised to use Zinc Chromate on aluminium parts and Zinc
Oxide on steel parts which makes sense. Hard anodising has been suggested
to me and a search on this list reveals all sorts of other options. The Zinc
Chromate option sounds great but I realise that I may be dead from it before
I get the plane built!
> So, a lot of people on this list have aircraft that have now been flying for
a while. Can you tell me from experience what has worked and also what you
to be best for the plane and indeed the person applying it!
> Thanks,
> Phil
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