While this may be off topic, this is a very important issue that will effect
all of us aviating on this side of the pond and needs your help and support.
Even better for this issue, is the fact that those not flying in the US can
advice us on the similar expenses that they incur while flying in their part
of the world.
Thanks for your patience
Steve Crimm
For Sale
The below is something I received earlier today.
The most dire challenge to hit General Aviation since 9/11 is now upon us.
The FAA, Airlines, and White House propose to raise our already high cost of
What can I do?
Do your Homework:
Learn all you can about what is proposed and it's impact on air safety,
equal access to aviation services, higher costs for GA, reduction or Loss of
congressional oversight... The list goes on...
Go to: <http://www.aopa.org/faafundingdebate/>
http://www.aopa.org/faafundingdebate/ to learn more.
Write your Representative and Senator. Not tomorrow, Today!
Attend an EAA Meeting and an AOPA Town Hall. Bring up User Fees.
Get the media on our side. Educate them on the dangers of this plan and it's
potential impact.
Talk to your fine flying friends! Use every resource and forum you can
access to bring up the issue and spread the word that we MUST contact our
elected officials and fight the big Airlines and FAA proposal to infringe on
our access to the skies!
Lets conduct this grass roots campaign to keep aviation safe and accessible
to all Americans.
AOPA President Phil Boyer said: "This proposal is nothing more than a
cynical attempt to shift FAA costs to a different set of taxpayers, and to
take control of the agency away from Congress and put it in the hands of
unelected bureaucrats and airline executives."
EAA Vice-President of Government Relations, Doug Macnair said: "DOT and FAA
have attempted to distract from the user fee issue in their public
statements by saying that revenue from general aviation would continue to be
collected via a fuel tax, but they failed to acknowledge that the fuel tax
would be increased dramatically and a whole series of user fees would be
implemented for FAA services that today do not carry a charge."
Steve Crimm - BIT, CDIA+, OCSA, OCWA
Stephen Scott & Associates, Inc.
Your Exclusive Source for Automated Data Capture Solutions
Email: <mailto:steve.crimm@stephenscott.com> steve.crimm@stephenscott.com
Web Site: <http://www.stephenscott.com/> www.stephenscott.com
Phone: 678-461-7957 Fax 678-461-7958
"The agony of poor service lasts much longer than the thrill of low price"
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