Some will call this SPAM but it is far more important ,=85..with
sincere apologies to the Europa Forum and anyone this is duplicated to.
William Mills, Carl Pattinson, Duncan Mcfadyean, Peter Lawless, Keith
Munro, Penny Sharpe, Harry Hopkins and ALL! =85=85=85=85=85=85., with
apologies to
the North American and =93rest of the world Europa contingent=94 (Wrong
choice of name that!) =85I have contributed to all the petitions
to our Light Aircraft Lobby (and many thanks to all who have contributed
to the Save North Weald Airfield Campaign =85we just may have been
successful.) However this is how things are going on here in
at present as Duncan says =93 probably all worthless
charades=94=85=85=85. but we
have to keep trying or we=92re dead in the bloody water!
For an effective appraisal of how a =93listening caring Government=94
it=92s populace, that voted it into power and continues to allow it to
flirt with the undemocratic European Soviet Project, please click on
this web page to share in the frustration of those who are trying to
resist to the end=85=85.
How dare this jerk call the 1,548,789* people who have contributed to
the =93Anti vehicle tracking and road use charging Petition=94 as an
=93insane mob lobby group=94?
Isn=92t it time we had a show down?
I sincerely hope our Great British Public haven=92t short memory=92s
one day soon this guy is going to be voted to oblivion, so help me God!
Bob H
(BTW Josephine White is one of our =93UK BETRAYED GROUP=94 founding
We also are responsible for a webpage called
<> please visit it and contribute to
those who support our aims.)
* number verified at 15.50 UK time 17th Feb 2007, petition runs until
20th February =85..hurry to join in and make your statement, please. You
can view all petitions on the web page Keith Munro has published
below=85=85just click on =93view petitions=94 then select =93Transport
Infrastructure=94 it is the next one to time expire, go on just do it
you may cause their damn computers to crash yet again!
-----Original Message-----
From: Josephine white []
Sent: 14 February 2007 17:26
Subject: Macshane on the road toll petition
I had to stop reading this about half way down, I was so damn mad!
To describe over one and a half million taxed-to-the-hilt, completely
peed off people as a "lobby group" is so contemptuous I could spit!
All this article illustrates is the arrogance of the political elite.
If he says anything to redeem himself in the rest of this sneering
piece.. let me know. I won't be holding my breath.
"The clamour of the mob is often close to insanity," my granny's
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of William
Sent: 17 February 2007 11:25
Subject: Europa-List: Fw: plse fwd. O
I am forwarding this for the attention of the Brits.
I know we generally run on mogas, but you might like to lend a hand to
those who are not so fortunate and have to rely on avgas.
Best wishes,
----- Original Message -----
From: Harry Hopkins <>
Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2007 9:37 AM
Subject: Fw: plse fwd. O
Hi folks,
Unless you want to pay =A31.70 per litre for AVGAS you'd better sign up
on this petition.
----- Original Message -----
From: Penny Sharpe <>
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 9:14 AM
Subject: FW: plse fwd.
From: Keith Munro []
Sent: 15 February 2007 22:47
Subject: plse fwd.