Having followed up the aspects of choice of Rotax versus Mikuni carb
flanges it seems that Aerosport are getting excessive amounts of email
traffic with regard to technical enquiries. Aerosport have made it clear
that they do not recommend the Mikuni over the Rotax flange. They supply
the Rotax carb flange & offer the Mikuni as an alternative both of
which are new stock. It is up to individual owners to decide which
product to buy.
As far as record of failures are concerned they can only speak for the
C42. They have had no reported failures of the carb rubbers.
Most of the 912 carb rubbers they sell seem to be for flexwing aircraft
ie. 'Pegasus Quik'. This indicates that the particular application has
at least some bearing on the failure.The particular failure they were
able to examine was from an 'Airbourne Australia XT912' and this was a
genuine Rotax part which had completely sheered off.
If anyone comes up with any further useful information on this subject
I would be interested to hear about it. Suffice to say that whichever
make of flange is used, correct engine installation is very important to
avoid putting these flanges under undue stress.
Nigel Charles