Hi Steve - I'm 6"1" and 215 lbs, long torso and fairly wide shoulders and
am fairly comfortable
for up to 2 hrs. Not a lot of extra room to move around. I would like to
move the rudder
pedals forward a couple inches sometime but the rudder is really not needed
in flight so you
can stretch out one foot at a time between the pedals. My left shoulder is
pushing against
the door frame somewhat but is mostly below it. I will do the shoulder
width mod sometime
as well. I did the LA mod that lets you scoot towards the tunnel a bit to
get away from the
door frame but I really don't notice any discomfort for 2 hrs. I reduced
the back seat pad to
one inch foam and only use the one shaped butt pad not the 2nd flat pad.
If your thighs are much bigger than mine, the stick movement at the flare
can be limited.
I can just hit the aileron stop both ways if I press into my thigh slightly.
I do caution my
passenger to put their right foot between the rudder pedals for landing so
as not to limit
right aileron travel in the flare but it has never been a problem. I have
about an inch of
headroom. Hope this helps - good luck!
>From: Steven Janicki <mmesa005@yahoo.com>
>Reply-To: europa-list@matronics.com
>To: europa-list@matronics.com
>Subject: Europa-List: Perspective Europa XS purchase - Questions for the
>Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2007 14:27:01 -0800 (PST)
>Hello All,
>I am considering the purchase of a completed and flying Europa XS. I have
>corresponded with the seller and exchanged information, pictures, etc,
>everything looks fine so far. We are separated by several states and thus I
>don't have the option of driving over to see the airplane in person. My
>remaining concern is if I can fit comfortably in the airplane. I am 6',
>tall in the torso, sitting bolt upright on the floor I measure my head at
>38". My weight is 210 lbs. I have read what I could find on this e-mail
>list as well as the Internet and the concensus is that 6' - 6' 1" is about
>max height for comfort. I would appreciate any additional input from
>current flyers / builders.
>I can't find the specific measurements of the cockpit from seat bottom to
>top of the cockpit, nor am I able to find the amount of recline the
>seatback has. Both would have been useful to make some measurements against
>and get a better approximation as to how much room there is in the cockpit.
>Anyone have these or can point me to a source?
>My previous airplane was a Lancair 320 which appears to have about the same
>amount of shoulder and head room as the Europa XS? Also, I live in Northern
>California, Cameron Park, so if there is anyone near me or in the Bay Area
>building or has a completed XS I would appreciate the opportunity to try
>the airplane on for size. Also, any Europa XS CFI's in the area?
>I really admire the Europa and to me it is the ultimate airplane with a
>great balance of features and efficiency. Of course I need to fit in the
>airplane comfortably!
>Thank's in advance for your help!
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