I see you have hitched the trailer to to your car but on a "gravel
Was there any paintwork left on the vehicle afterwards?
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Joyce" <davidjoyce@doctors.org.uk>
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: run up on the trailer
> Raimo, I did my engine runs that way including full power tests. No
> problems. Picture attached. David Joyce
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Raimo Toivio" <raimo.toivio@rwm.fi>
> To: <europa-list@matronics.com>
> Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 3:48 PM
> Subject: Europa-List: run up on the trailer
>> Those who know:
>> is it possible to run up an engine
>> when the plane is on the trailer
>> and do it safely?
>> I have a monowheel Europa
>> and an original Europa trailer
>> with the optional side supporters.
>> The trailer is fixed with a car and
>> the tailwheel is fixed with the trailer.
>> The wings will be derigged.
>> Just wonder is it too hard for the main
>> gear because of the prop torque?
>> My purpose is just to make it idle,
>> no full power at all.
>> Thanks, Raimo
>> ==========
>> Raimo M W Toivio
>> OH-XRT Europa XS Mono #417, completed
>> OH-CVK C172 Skyhawk, under reinterioring
>> OH-BLL Beechcraft C45, w radial engines (grounded)
>> 37500 Lempaala
>> Finland
>> tel + 358 3 3753 777
>> fax + 358 3 3753 100
>> gsm + 358 40 590 1450
>> raimo.toivio@rwm.fi
>> www.rwm.fi