It was always interesting to note the company requiring a minimum 2 cm clearance
between the top of the wheel and the fuselage line with the gear down. After
installing the undercarriage and then the weight of the engine etc my clearance
is below the 2cm. However on reading the over centre problem and undercarriage
coming up after a bump on T/O I would summise that perhaps the 2cm clearance
requirement should not be stated. To remain in the over centre safe position
(u/c down) the clearance is irrelevant and maybe why builders have taken it
into account and therefore the undercarriage is too close to the over centre
neutral position needing only a bump to reverse it.
Just a thought.
I had my u/c come up for a different reason, the rebate lock moved up after a
landing allowing the lever to move IN SLOW MOTION up. The remedy is a $2
piano wire fix to spring load the latch in the down position. I have the details
of that installation if anyone wants it. Could save you some money!!!
Tim Ward
12 Waiwetu Street
Ph. 64 33515166
MOB 0210640221
---- Duncan & Ami McFadyean <> wrote:
> The problem with kit aircraft is that you have to 'reverse engineer' the
> manual
to try to understand what the designer intended, and then check that the
received come close.
> A set of engineering drawings/plans would make it all so much easier!
> Duncan McF.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Paul Boulet
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2007 5:57 PM
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Mono gear collapse
> The gear lever was down and locked. My collapse occured after landing roll
out at about 5 kts ground speed. A slight bump caused it to bounce off center
and totally distort/destroy the gear lever and all the mechanisms attached to
it. The build manual is wrong and if it had been correct this never would have
> I'm surmising most of this because the accident occured with my test pilot
at the controls. Also I did not perform the teardown/rebuild converstion to tri
gear- my builder assist center performed this.
> Words to the wise.... take a look at someone else's mono gear retraction
> mechanism
before accepting the manual's instructions as the gospel truth.
> Paul Boulet N914PB
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Steve Crimm <>
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2007 9:02:14 AM
> Subject: RE: Europa-List: Mono gear collapse
> Question...
> When the gear collapsed, what was the position of the gear lever after the
> collapse? In the down or up position?
> Steve Crimm
> N42AH
> For Sale
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Fergus Kyle
> Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2007 11:40
> Subject: Europa-List: Mono gear collapse
> I was saddened to hear of that event - especially on take-off..........
> and, of course because I contemplate the same possibility.
> Is there a spot in the gear-down structure where the insertion of a
> bar/lever/whatever mightr inhibit an over-centre travel on a bumpy take-off
> (one which I may see fairly often up north)? It might also stop inadvertent
> gear-up on display stands.
> Ferg Kyle
> Europa A064 914 Classic
> = --> http://www.matroni= blank"
> href="">